Ce point suivant a été un travail d'amour pour moi au cours des derniers mois. Son design est maintenant dans sa phase finale, mais je pourrais aussi bien commencer au début de votre forum pour vous permettre de tous les voir comment elle s'est développée depuis mon concept initial.
J'aime race Drosophila melanogaster, mais pour moi l'alimentation en live est un problème majeur. J'utilise flottante plantes d'aquarium comme Salvinia natans dans la plupart de mes aquariums, ce qui contribue le Drosophilia pour échapper assez facilement avant d'être mangé. Ce n'est pas bon et il peut causer des problèmes si vous garder à l'intérieur.
Je suis sûr que beaucoup d'entre vous barré les amateurs peuvent se rapporter à ce que je dis. Beaucoup de gens sont découragés d'utiliser ce type de livefood en raison de la fuite des insectes.
Alors maintenant, j'ai mis au point un petit appareil qui servira à élever et nourrir cette ressource excellente nourriture.
Vous êtes invités à laisser des commentaires que je vais le long.
Je vais de nouveau message en anglais car c'est un long morceau de travail, mais je vais essayer de traduire pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'aide de traducteur de Google. (bien que ce n'est pas précis à 100%)
Certains peuvent penser que je suis fou ....
[b][size=12pt]The Prospect of Constructing a Fruitfly Breeder/Feeder[/size][/b]
Colin McCourt
[b]Has he finally flipped his lid!!![/b]
I have been culturing wingless Drosphilia melanogaster now for quite while now. Whilst I have gazillions of flies I only really feed them when they die. Why you ask!...Simply because of that age old problem of escaping insects. This, believe me is an absolute bane and one which can give rise to heated discussions between me and my wife :D
So with thinking cap in hand I started to plan for a method which would allow me to utilise my fly stocks to a better advantage.
I needed to fashion something that would allow me to feed Fruitfly the way they were intended to be fed..."LIVE"
The project would have to meet the following certain criteria.
[list]The item (in whatever form) would have fit externally to an aquarium / vivarium.
It would, perhaps possess double interconnected chambers, with sliding door.
It needed to be ventilated
It had to have some means of getting food/egg laying media in and out.
The second feeding chamber would be semi submerged to prevent escapees.[/list]
This is what I have come up with thus far....

:exclaim: BigC's Fruitfly Feeding Station
As you can see from the above image it is an external unit, a prototype, made from odds and ends that I'm privy too. A work in progress if you like.

The first chamber (the breeding end) has a sliding drawer in which the food and egg laying media will be administered. The top of this section is open but covered by a scrap of muslin or cotton handkerchief held in place by an elastic band. There is a sliding door plate which links to the second chamber. (the feeding end) This can be removed once the flies reach saturation point within there initial home. The usual items such as breeding media and raffia can all be inserted into the first chamber via the top opening.
The second chamber is sealed, and it's base is submerged beneath the waterline. The fish will feed from this point. This is still untried, and as I say a work in progress but I hope there will be enough condensation within chamber two to allow the flies to slip down into the water without having to resort to drilling the top and inserting an air-valve to blow the insects down to their impending doom.
Here follows some more images of the unit in it's current state.

The only other unit I have seen to date involves the use of a lunchbox with a hole burnt into the centre of its base, media is placed into the box and this is floated in the aquarium. This takes up valuable surface area and the fish can jump into the box. So it too has its design faults.
In it's current form, it is quite heavy (made from 4mm float glass). If the concept comes to some kind of fruition then it is hoped to have it made from plastic or perspex. I may even offer it to a shool for some lad to use as a project for an exam....who knows.
Has he flipped.....possibly Yes!
Ce fut le premier modèle que j'ai fait et il a évolué depuis lors. Je suis beaucoup plus loin avec ce concept et je vais ajouter d'autres chapitres que je progresse.
Vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.