Le congrès de nos homologues russes se déroulera le 27, 28 et 29 septembre 2019.
L'événement se déroulera à l'institut de l'écologie et de l'évolution à Moscou.
Cliquez sur ce lien pour voir l'adresse sur Google Maps.
Plus d'informations sur ce lien vers le site du SKLIK.
Exhibition open from 27 – 29/09/2019
September 27: fish registration until 14:00, judgment starts at 16:00
September 28: exhibition, lectures, and meeting
September 29: prices and fish auction (fish from the exhibition)
You do not have to be a club member to participate in the show.
Show rules:
Only Killifish can be presented. Hybrids are not allowed.
Fish can be presented in two categories: pairs or breeding group.
In the pairs category adult fish need to be presented, one male and one female or one male and two females (If fish is hermaphrodite just two fish).
In the group category young fish need to be presented, but fish old enough to recognize the sex, at least 6 fish should be presented whether it be 2 males and 4 females or 3 males and 3 females, a number of fishes can be greater but the female number should be dominant. In the case where there is a lot of fish judgment is going to be based on the best samples.
All fish must be registered no later than 14:00 of September 27 2019. If fish arrive late, judgment is not guaranteed. Delay is possible but needs to be agreed with show organizers.
Fish should be preregistered no later than September 22 2019 by email: sklik2019@yandex.ru
Please notify about fish as early as possible; it makes preparation a lot easier.
Fish will be registered based on preregistration; changing one kind to another is not allowed.
All fish automatically become the property of the club, all fish will be presented on auction on the last day of the show. All money from the auction will cover the club show’s expenses.
Fish will be presented in glass tanks about 12 liters each.
Plastic bags with fish must be signed with the Latin name, collection year (if it exists), last name and registration number of the owner.
Please use a waterproof marker and write text in a readable fashion.
Fish eggs, equipment, and etc. sale are not allowed inside the show.
Fish will be classified in 10 groups:
Group 1. South American annuals
Group 2. Rivulus
Group 3. Fundulopanchax and Callopanchax
Group 4. Fundulopanchax gardneri
Group 5. Nothobranchius
Group 6. Aphyosemion
Group 7. Aphyosemion calliurum group
Group 8. Chromaphyosemion
Group 9. Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax.
Group 10. Other
Breeding groups will be presented in the position above.
Judgment will be from 1 to 10 for each kind. If the exhibit is not following the rules (wrong numbers or the fish is sick), judgment will not apply. Three places will be determined for the pair and best breeding group.
Fish, which received a rating of fewer than 8 points, can not be the winner in the group.
Judges decision is final.
Three first pairs and the best breeding group will be prized.
There will also be prizes for:
Best pair of show
Best breeding group of show
Best international fish
Prizes international Killifish organizations
Every Killifish breeder that participates in the exhibition gets a free fish-list.
Additional information and fish pre-registration: sklik2019@yandex.ru